TCWCT Celebrates World Food Safety Day 2024: Ensuring Nutrition for Every Child

World Food Safety Day, observed on June 7 each year, emphasizes the critical importance of maintaining food safety and being prepared for potential health risks associated with food consumption. The Children's Welfare Charitable Trust (TCWCT) recognizes the paramount importance of food safety in our mission to combat malnutrition among underprivileged children in India. The Organization's Food Security Program, comprising the Commodity Distribution and the Nutrition Awareness Program, is firmly aligned with the objectives of World Food Safety Day, ensuring that the underprivileged community receives safe and nutritious food.

On June 07, 2024, Vadodara, India - The Children's Welfare Charitable Trust celebrated World Food Safety Day with the beneficiaries of Anganwadi centers in Vadodara, India. The Organization’s team organized interactive sessions on safe food handling practices, hygiene, and the prevention of foodborne illnesses. These sessions aimed to empower the community with the knowledge required to make informed dietary choices and maintain food safety.

The Organization’s team began with a discussion on food insecurity, highlighting how it affects the health and development of children. The session aimed to raise awareness about the challenges faced by underprivileged families in accessing safe and nutritious food. The Organization’s Food Security Program currently operates in collaboration with the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), this partnership allows us to extend our reach and make a more significant impact in the community.

TCWCT places a strong emphasis on raising awareness about nutrition through our Nutrition Awareness Program. This initiative aims to educate and empower individuals, particularly the beneficiaries of Anganwadi centers, to make informed choices regarding their dietary habits. By promoting nutritional awareness, the Organization  strives to fight against malnutrition and promote healthy lives for a better future.

The celebration of World Food Safety Day at TCWCT underscores our commitment to ensuring that every child has access to adequate nutrition, enabling them to thrive and reach their full potential. Through our Nutrition Awareness initiative, the Organization is dedicated to creating a lasting impact on the lives of underprivileged children and their families, fostering a healthier, more equitable society.


Empowering Communities by Distributing Food Ration Kits


 TCWCT Building Healthier Futures through Nutrition Awareness Sessions